Welcome to Choosy Foody!  My name is Maria G and I LOVE food.  (There, I got the obvious out of the way.)  But, seriously, is there anyone out there that doesn't love food? 

When I was younger the volume of eats I could consume was legendary - according to my siblings at least.  I could go toe to toe with any guy at the dinner table, still have room for dessert, and not gain a pound.  And then... the "Freshman 15."  In my case it was the "Freshman 10-ish," which really wasn't a big deal since I was kinda pocket-sized to begin with.  I have fond memories of me and college roommates sitting on the floor of our dorm rooms or apartments with a box o' chicken wings and a couple of Dominos Pizzas that were most often ordered between the hours of 1 and 2 in the morning.  Ah, youth!

As a first generation Filipina I had regular opportunities to eat the most delicious food on the planet growing up (all due respect to all other cuisines I enjoy immensely).  I’m just talking about the daily stuff that’s served up at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Luckily, my mom made sure I was in the kitchen with her whenever she was making dinner and subsequently taught me how to cook the food of my peeps.  Special family occasions is always when Olympic-sized portions of my favorite dishes are there for the taking. A couple of warnings I've shared with friends that have joined me at these events:  It might be considered rude if you don't go for a third or fourth helping of anything;  Taking multiple doggie bags home is a strictly enforced law. 

Lately, I've been motivated to learn more about how food affects the body and mind.  Partly because I'm getting older and both my paternal and maternal gene pool is littered with serious health issues.  I've also got two young kids so that's enough of an incentive for me to do what I can to stick around as long as I can. After all, if I'm not around who else is going to constantly remind my son that he hasn't yet met a girl that deserves him?  Who else is going to interrogate my daughter on a daily basis about when she and her husband are going to give me grandchildren?  

All this contributes to why I have a desire to talk about most anything having to do with food.  I love to eat, cook and bake for myself, friends, and family.  If I could afford it, I would have a room filled with cookbooks.  If I had the time, and the metabolism, I would be in my kitchen constantly experimenting with all the recipes I flagged in all those cookbooks and pumping out dishes to feed said friends and family.  That being said, I also love eating out and get a huge kick out of finding places that blow away my taste buds and don't cost a bloody fortune. 

So, here I am, a forty-something woman living in Rockland County, NY, working full-time in NYC, and finding time to blog for the first time because she has something to say about food and wants to join the conversation.  It's like I just walked into a cocktail party where I don't know anyone.  I'm looking forward to meeting new people and chatting it up but just hope I don't spill anything on my new dress...

Since I'm new to this please let me know what you think.  Please share your comments, suggestions, ideas, questions about any of my posts.  You can feel free to email me at  

Thanks for stopping by!

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