Did anyone miss me? I know it's been a while - my day job has been keeping me busy and I haven't been cooking much I'm afraid. Total slacker of late. My husband and I have managed a couple of home-cooked meals over the last few weeks but it's been difficult to manage on a regular basis between the job and kids' sports practices & games, painting projects in the house, general spring cleaning and a host of other things that are required of responsible adults. Be that as it may, we have managed one of two dinners that did not require a phone call and car ride for a pick up. One of our standby meals is roasted chicken using none other than the Showtime Compact Rotisserie & BBQ Oven (As Seen On TV). Before getting into the nitty gritty about how we use this thing I'm afraid I'm going to have to explain a bit about our relationship with said appliance...
- Before you start cooking, make sure you tie down the legs and the wings so they don't graze the hot coils during rotation - if that happens, you definitely won't be able to "set it" or "forget it."
- If for any reason, it squeaks while rotating all you need to do is add a little vegetable oil to the spot where the removable spit meets the groove that holds it in place.
- It offers cooking time guidelines for categories of meats, i.e. 15 mins/pound for chicken and 18 mins/pound for beef. If you like your meats rare, you can shave a few minutes - totally depends on how charred you like it.
- Once the cook time up and the bell rings, let the bird or the roast beast rest while it continues the rotation with "No Heat" for about 5 minutes.
- The heat proof gloves that came with the row-tish-shee-airy are awesome by the way and are TRULY heat proof. (They look like the kind of things you see in the movies that are built into the wall of a hermetically sealed glass container and are appropriate for handling plutonium and stuff.)